The skinny on surgery-free fat loss…
Imagine being able to lose inches and flatten your belly with no needles, no incisions and no downtime. Now you can! This FDA-approved American-made device uses red light therapy to literally melt your fat.
The red light penetrates the fat cells, creating pores in the fat cell membranes. This allows the fat to be released from its cell and the body naturally disposes of it. This process will continue for about 48-72 hours at which point the pores will be closed again, trapping the remaining fat inside.

Lose Your Stubborn Fat Without Suffering...
Jane was in her sixties when she came to our weight loss clinic.
She is an active woman who walks daily and had tried losing weight many times.
Jane started participating in our weight loss counseling program with great success. She was able to get out of obese, which is a major health milestone!
But Jane wanted more. Even though she was doing much better than before, she was not happy with the fat that remained around her hips and thighs.
After 3 years of trying on her own, Jane returned to our weight loss clinic for information regarding our light therapy program.
To make a long story short, she started light therapy treatments about 6 months ago. She comes in twice a week and just relaxes under the light.
Let me show you the results. On the right you see Jane’s weight loss in 2019 when she was following our weight loss counseling program.
She was able to keep the weight off that she had lost, but she was not able to get rid of the stubborn fat around her hips and thighs.
So at the end of 2021 she started the weight loss therapy. In less than 6 months she lost more than she had lost by changing her diet and all she had to do was lay under the light for less than a half hour per session :

Jane is glad that she decided to give it a go! 6 months later, Jane looks like a new woman and she finally believes that she can get to her goal weight and appearance!
The best news is that she can just come back for a quick maintenance session to keep the fat off for good.
Lose Fat Exactly Where You Want It
- FDA-cleared non-invasive fat reduction solution with instant results
- NO pain, NO bruiding, NO downtime
- Tightens and smooths the overlying skin
- NO risk to internal organs and tissues
- NO special diets or exercises needed
- Keep the fat away with our dietary guidance
I was miserable!
Nothing was working and I was putting on more pounds.
I found Dr Karin Boode about 4 years ago and she got me back on track without medication or pills.
The weight is coming off gradually.
She keeps reminding me that this is not a sprint but it is a marathon for healthy eating.
She has taught me to change my shopping habits and eating habits.
Dr. Boode constantly reminds me to never get hungry!
No one has ever told me that!
Just recently I went to her for my problem areas, hips, butt and thighs.
She suggested red light therapy to target those stubborn areas.
I am 12 weeks into my light therapy sessions and I can feel the stubborn fat melting from my thighs and my pants fit me so much more comfortable.
I am on a journey with Dr. Boode to shed pounds and feel confident and comfortable in my skin.